Tallahassee Nurseries has a long history of searching out new and unusual plants to offer to our loyal patrons. We are constantly seeking out new growers to expand the plant palette of Tallahassee gardeners. This year, we reached all the way to Oregon for a
PANSIES Pansies are one of the most popular and recognizable cool weather annuals across the country. Pansies offer charming round flowers that create a pop of color from fall till spring. Pansies and violas have edible flowers frequently used to add unique color to salads
Picking the right plant for the right place is the cornerstone of successful gardening. The more challenging the environment, the more important the proper plant section becomes. Coastal gardens are particularly challenging due to salt spray in the air, salt in the groundwater, sandy soil
You’ve probably heard a lot about native plants in the last few years, but what’s so special about them? Native animals have been reliant on native plants as sustenance for eons. In those countless years they have developed a reliance on each other for food,
Azaleas are fantastically useful plants that can solve all kinds of landscape problems. Yet, I often get the same negative response when I suggest them to gardeners, “oh I don’t want azaleas, they’re already all over the place.” I’m always baffled by this, because all
Pollinators of all types play an absolutely vital role in so many ways but, today we want to focus on bees. Studies show that one third of the food we consume relies on pollination from bees! Here are a few important considerations when planting for bees.
Why do we enjoy seeing wildlife so much? Consider that when we see wildlife, it could be the only moment of interaction despite wildlife being all around us!
I was recently exploring the old Roseland Cemetery in Monticello, FL, when I came across a stunning old planting of abelias. The afternoon light filtered through the large hedge, highlighting the various shades of rosy pink and dark green foliage. The fine-textured leaves allowed a
There is one undisputed reason to plant natives, and it’s a big one. Native plants are the basis of the food chain for all other native wildlife. No matter what animals you like, be it butterflies and birds for casual watching to deer and turkeys