30 May 5 Reasons You Need Rabbiteye Blueberries
I’ve been shocked by how easy it is to process my own leaves for green and black tea, once I finally got the proper instructions from Parks and Walcott. ...
I’ve been shocked by how easy it is to process my own leaves for green and black tea, once I finally got the proper instructions from Parks and Walcott. ...
Learn the, surprisingly easy, ins and outs of adding potatoes to your panhandle garden harvest! View our in-stock varieties!...
First and foremost, do not panic! While some plants have no doubt perished in the cold, many will recover in the spring. Here's what's next!...
Amaryllis are easy-to-grow bulbs that come in a plethora of color options, from solid red, white, pink, or green to striped with all sorts of patterns and petal formations. Everyone has their personal favorite, from the classic Red Lion to the unique Sumatra and Picotee....
Learn how to take one of the most diverse houseplant varieties, hoyas, and propagate the cuttings into brand new plant babies!...
Tallahassee Summers can bring the heat, but these plants prefer it that way! View heat-loving shrubs, annuals, perennials and herbs!...
Tallahassee Nurseries has a long history of searching out new and unusual plants to offer to our loyal patrons. We are constantly seeking out new growers to expand the plant palette of Tallahassee gardeners. This year, we reached all the way to Oregon for a...
It can be a struggle to bring color into the shade garden - until you learn to utilize the humble Caladium!...
Each winter, I see all manner of eye-catching decorations in area front yards. I’m not just talking about flying reindeer. Each time a hard freeze is expected, you may find your neighbors draping everything from floral-print sheets to hats and scarves over the plants in...
The best time to plant onion sets in our area is September through December, and we have the largest selection of bulk onions we've ever had....