28 May Gone (almost) But Not Forgotten
Althea/Rose of Sharon has been in southern gardens for a very long time but there are so few of them in front yard gardens nowadays I tend to forget all of their amazing...
Althea/Rose of Sharon has been in southern gardens for a very long time but there are so few of them in front yard gardens nowadays I tend to forget all of their amazing...
Flauntin’ FlowersWow! What a week and what a spring so far! Our April showers have certainly led to May flowers here at the nursery and there couldn’t be more options for color in your garden. We’ve had delivery after delivery of picturesque plants arrive each...
Hydrangeas are an absolutely stunning addition to any landscape. Make your Tallahassee Hydrangea experience the best by picking 'Best Choice' Hydrangeas....
Drift Roses are a newer line of low maintenance roses that come in a wide range of colors and flower shapes but all possess a low profile growth habit ranging from 2-4 feet tall and 3-5 feet wide....
If you’ve never heard of a camellia, imagine an evergreen shrub with dark green glossy leaves that emphatically bloom through any winter cold Tallahassee has in store for us. Blooms from these versatile plants will continue to delight through fall and spring....
What do you see when you look out the family room windows? What is your view from the window over the kitchen sink? What do you look at when you are sitting on the deck? Your outdoors can be as stylish and attractive as your...