A lot of folks might not know this, but the history of gardening divides into two distinct groups; B.K. (before Knockout Roses) and A.K. (after Knockout Roses).
The Knockout Rose was the first readily available rose the average gardener could keep alive and keep looking beautiful in the sweltering heat and humidity of North Florida. Then came the doubles, pinks, yellow, and white of the Knockout line and we all saw that it was good. While for many people the Knockout Rose is still the go to choice for months of color with little maintenance (and I agree it is still a winner), nowadays we have so many more options for easy care roses that give us the colorful blooms we crave.
Under rainy and less than Spring ideal weather circumstances, instead of looking haggard by the time the Sun reappeared these Drift Roses very often still have leaves as clean as a whistle and blooms to boot! Drift Roses are a newer line of low-maintenance roses that come in a wide range of colors and flower shapes, but all possess a low profile growth habit ranging from 2-4 feet tall and 3-5 feet wide.
Drift Roses are perfect for mass plantings as they’ll spread out and cover the ground. They grow very compact which means less pruning for you. Deadheading is optional for Drift Roses because they set very few seeds and continuously produce new flowers and growth that hides the old blooms. Drift Roses come in red, multiple shades of pink, coral, peach, and yellow. Plant all one color for a powerful visual effect in your garden or mix different colors for a fun cottage garden look. No matter how you use them I know you’ll enjoy their “tough as nails” fortitude.
The sun is out now, but rain or shine – Drift Roses can be counted on to be relatively low maintenance, while giving off gorgeous, vibrant color!